2 - 4 August 2013
Japan Medical Association (JMA) Auditorium
2-28-16, Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8621, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3946-2121
Access to Convention Venue [PDF 542KB]
Professor Kiyoshi Kitamura
Chair, Organizing Committee of the Japanese Association of Medical Journal Editors (JAMJE)
Western Pacific Region Index Medicus (WPRIM) /Asia Pacific Association of Medical Editors (APAME) General Assembly
Asia Pacific Association of Medical Editors (APAME) /Japanese Association of Medical Journal Editors (JAMJE) Joint Session
APAME/JAMJE Joint Session
http:// jams.med.or.jp/apame2013/
Registration information will appear on the APAME 2013 website.
The official hotel is Hotel Mets Komagome, a 10-minute walk from the venue.
Rate: 9,000 JPY (Single with breakfast per night), 19,000 JPY (Twin with breakfast per night)
(1 JPY = 0.0099 USD as of 30 May 2013)
Hotel Website: http://www.jrhotelgroup.com/eng/code/codeeng162.htm
Airfare and hotel charges are to be paid by participants. However, the organizers have agreed to waive the registration fee for international participants.
If you have any questions, please contact the Congress Secretariat.
c/o Access Brain Inc.
3315 Bldg. 3-31-5 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo, 113-0034 Japan
E-mail: apame-jamje2013@accessbrain.co.jp
Phone: +81-3-3839-5037 Fax: +81-3-3839-5035
c/o JTB Global Marketing & Travel Inc.
JTB Bldg. 2-3-11, Higashishinagawa, Shinagawa-ku
Tokyo, Japan 140-8604
E-mail: apame2013@gmt.jtb.jp
Fax +81-3-5495-0685
Office Hours: 10:00-17:30 Except Saturdays, Sundays, and National Holidays